House Hunting in ... Uruguay (@nytimes)
Every year, in January, the New York Times International Real Estate section features an article about "House Hunting in... Uruguay", featuring a luxury home in Montevideo or Punta del Este. Sometimes they quote our partners at Bado y Asociados…

Uruguay among top 10 Emerging most inclusive economies
The Index measures three performance indicators - known as pillars - of a nation’s economic development. They are:
Growth and Development
Intergenerational equity
Growth and Development

HISTORICAL URUGUAY as seen by Chilean El Mercurio
Earlier this month, a whole magazine about “URUGUAY HISTORICO” appeared in El Mercurio, Chile’s leading paper. Its great pictures as well as its description of Uruguayan towns, city streets and country side, make for great reading.…

Uruguay :: Buying the Farm*
Uruguayan law welcomes rural foreign investment and no discrimination applys between uruguayans and foreigners. More than 16 million hectares are fit for agriculture and livestock purposes, representing the 93% of the whole country. Foreigners…

Sotheby's International Real Estate :: URUGUAY
Sotheby's International Real Estate, www.sir.com , periodically picks a few cities in Latin America as attractive investment destinatons and opportunities for house hunters across the globe. Last year, they chose Uruguay as one of the cool…

ATLANTIKA GROUP participates in First European Investment Forum in Uruguay
On June 21st and 22nd, Atlantika Group partners Inés Bonicelli and Jean Jacques Bragard (Bragard & Duran Lawyers) participated in Uruguay’s first European Investment Forum in Uruguay; a conference organized by EU’s representatives…

Where Do You Go In A 'Hurricane'? Is Uruguay really a 'safe haven'?
For some time, we have been seeing a continuos dripping flow of European and North American citizens that come to URUGUAY looking to buy land (or a home). One of the plausible explanations for this phenomenon seems to be related with the…